FILM – Riverwoods: an untold story

SCOTLAND: The Big Picture

The salmon need the forest. The forest needs the salmon. And Scotland needs them both.

Riverwoods is a spectacular and compelling visual journey that shines a light on the perilous state of Scotland’s salmon and the degraded river catchments we have come to accept as normal. Riverwoods shows how Scotland’s life-rich rivers have been greatly diminished but crucially, how they could be reborn through a shared vision of restoration and recovery.

The feature-length documentary filmed and produced by rewilding charity SCOTLAND: The Big Picture, tells the story of an inextricable relationship between fish and forest. It is a rallying call for restoring native woodland to Scotland’s river catchments and all the life they support.

1.30 – 2.30pm

Sun 18th Sept 2022

University of Stirling

Theme by the University of Stirling