Welcome to the first day of the Festival of Biodiversity.

Most of todays activities, talks and workshops will be held at the Pathfoot Building at the University, but a few will take place in the wider community so please make sure you check the location of any events you wish to attend.

**Booking is essential** for the vast majority of the events as numbers are restricted.

The events on this page will be continually updated so please bookmark the website and keep checking back for new events!

Bat Walk & Talk
7pm – 8.30pm
University of Stirling
Flower Insect Timed Counts Workshop
10.30am – 12 noon
Planting for pondlife
11am – 1pm
The Power of Networks
7pm – 8.30pm
Braehead Community Garden, Stirling
Campus Tree Walk: Self-guided walk
University of Stirling
The Trees of Riverside: Self-guided walk
in Riverside, Stirling
Guided Campus Walk &
Meet the Scientist, See the Lab
6pm – 8pm
University of Stirling

Writing with Colour:
a Tale of Two Countries
7pm – 9pm

Theme by the University of Stirling